Our long awaited competition to #CrushALZ kicked-off just over 30 hrs ago, right after The Crowd & The Cloud series premiere on April 6, and since then it has already broken all Stall Catchers records!
As promised, we are going to report daily roundups of the team competition results, featuring the most active teams & reporting on progress towards the research goal.
Day 1
Start of day: April 6, 10pm ET
End of day: April 7, 5pm ET
Hours: 19
Teams: 15
Total vessels annotated: 13085
Real vessels annotated: 4348
Progress toward research goal: 1.20%
Leading teams:
We'll see how long it takes for the Crowd to overtake them (I am guessing not very long! 😈)
Case in point might be the team right behind them, Middle School STEM! We're also happy to see our colleagues Alzheimer's Research UK in third place there, closely followed by our sponsors, the BrightFocus Foundation who seem to have formed a competitive team of catchers! :) Citizen Science Plus - a group at University of Salzburg, and CitSciGamers (yay for citizen science gamers!!!) are following closely behind.
Don't forget you can join any of these teams or create your own on Stall Catchers! Full instructions here.
- The fastest we've ever annotated!
We announced the competition start on a live hangout with The Crowd & The Cloud, and during the first hour 1500 vessels were annotated! This number climbed to 3000 in the next 3 hrs (by the end of The Crowd & The Cloud hangout 2!).
This number of vessels takes almost 3 weeks to analyze in the lab!
Taking into account the fact that we need to combine multiple crowd answers to get a single expert-like answer, we are annotating at x10 the speed than it would take in the lab!
- 10 000 vessels in 18 hours!
Yep - it took less than a day to reach a whopping ten thousand annotations!
* **The largest team: Middle School STEM!** One of the teams has a ==whopping - 116 - members==!!! That's an impressive number, especially considering the next team has only 10. Keep going Middle Schoolers! If you'd like to join their team, just follow this link: http://bit.ly/MidSchoolSTEM#CrushALZ competition on https://t.co/NbkScoXGr4 is already RECORD BREAKING! #CitSci'ists already mapped 10 000 movies in 18hrs !! 🔟0⃣0⃣0⃣‼️ pic.twitter.com/10qwyJ1Km8
— EyesOnALZ (@eyesonalz) April 7, 2017
Congratulations everyone, and good luck on Day 2!